Monday, February 27, 2012

Kelly's Book 3.12: Starvation Lake

Dear Jenny,

I have not only already chosen next month's book, but I've already started reading it! With the craziness of this month, plus churning through 1Q84, I figured I could use as much time as possible.

I bought this book for Bill a couple of years ago -- it's about hockey and Michigan, sooo... yeah. Seemed like a winner. Bill has not read it yet, so I grabbed it for my own TBR pile. Perhaps once I finish, he'll read it too and we can discuss it together, which I always enjoy.

It's a murder mystery, so it's definitely outside of my realm of usual reading. But I like hockey and I like Michigan, so that seems promising. :) In the "small world" category, the author now lives in Chicago.

The book has a neat looking interactive website -- I looked at it a little, but then found myself worried about getting too much from the site before reading the book. I can see where it could be useful if deciding whether or not to read it, but as I have already decided (and started!), I'll check it out when I'm done.

Know what you're reading next month yet? Oh! And how's the tournament reading going? It starts next week, right?



  1. K,

    Hockey? Michigan? I say it's a winner! My school librarian mentioned that she liked these books (are there others? Maybe just this one), so that's a good portent. I do enjoy murder mysteries, so I'll be curious to see what you think. It's a fun genre for me, it always feels so satisfying when the crime is solved and the murdered is caught.

    This week is grade report writing, so I'm all eff'ed up and working on that crap. Ugh. I will write a post shortly about my March book and my Tournament reading. Anything to delay the inevitable business of report cards.


  2. Yes, there is a sequel that features one of the lesser characters from this one, and it looks like a third book is coming soon.

    I have been enjoying it so far -- the Michigan + Hockey talk is great! :)
